Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Twelve Days (Before) Christmas

Day 4 - Narodi nam se Kralj nebeski [Croatia]

Narodi nam se Kralj nebeski (The King of Heaven is Born to Us) is a Christmas song originating from northern Croatia. It is one of the most solemn Christmas carols in Croatia, which is why it often receives an honorary place at the end of the Christmas liturgy. In this carol, two key expressions, Young King and Young Summer, take us deep into history. Young King recalls the time of Arpadović in Croatia, when every Hungarian king tried to crown his firstborn as Croatian king as soon as possible. Young Summer reflects the time when the new year began in Croatia on Christmas Day. In this hymn-song all the companions of Christmas are enumerated: St. Stephen (December 26), St. John (December 27), the Innocent Children (December 28), Pope St. Sylvester I, St. Thomas (December 31), Three Kings Day (January 6). All these actually represent different classes; St. Stephen represents the martyrs, St. John the virgin husbands and wives, Sylvester and Thomas the clergy, bishops and popes, etc.

This song is from the beginning of the 20th century so the language is somewhat archaic. It is about Jesus’ birth, which symbolizes the new beginning, a new time, and the New Year.

Narodi nam se Kralj nebeski,
     [The heavenly king is born]
od Marije, čiste Djevice.
     [by Mary the Virgin]

Na tom mladom ljetu veselimo se,
     [We are looking forward to the new year]
mladoga Kralja mi molimo.
     [we pray to the young King]

Po njemu slijedi sveti Stjepan,
     [Saint Stephen follows after]
prvi mučenik Gospoda Boga.
     [the first martyr of God our Lord]


Daj nam Bog zdravlje, k tomu veselje,
     [Lord we pray for health and joy]
na tom mladom ljetu svega obilja!
     [abundance in the new year]


Narodi nam se Kralj nebeski -

Narodi nam se Kralj nebeski


Narodi nam se Kralj nebeski -  Patrik Špoljarić (organ)

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