Day 8 - El Desembre congelat / Midden in de winternacht
Today brings us another carol that crosses borders, and with that, a confusion as to its origin. Sometimes listed as a "traditional Dutch carol," this one is anything but. The melody was known by 17th and 18th century keyboard composers (Daquin, Balbastre and Dandrieu) and the original text - El Desembre congelat (Cold December) - is Catalan (northeastern modern Spain) in origin. The carol probably dates from the late Middle Ages, and its motifs (shepherds, flutes, drums) give a picture of the late medieval Christmas experience. As to its Dutch connection, in 1948 Dutch poet and writer Harry Prenen wrote a new text for this old melody - Midden in de winternacht (Midwinter's Night) - which gave the carol a new life as a "traditional Dutch(!)" Christmas staple. Very enjoyable either way!
El desembre congelat
El desembre congelat / Frozen December
Confús es retira. / Confused, he retreats.
Abril de flors coronat / April crowned with flowers
Tot el món admira / The whole world admires
Quan en un jardi d'amor / When in a garden of love
Neix una divina flor. / A divine flower is born.
D'una ro ro ro, / From a ro ro ro,
D'una sa sa sa, / From a sa sa sa,
D'una ro, d'una sa / From a ro, from a sa
D'una rosa bella / A beautiful rose,
Fecunda i poncella. / Sweet and fertile lady
El primer pare causà / The first parent caused
La nit tenebrosa / The dark night
Que a tot el món ofuscà / That overshadowed the whole world
La vista penosa / The sad sight
Mes en una mitja nit / Month in the middle of the night
Brilla el sol que n'és eixit / The sun that came out of it shines
D'una bel bel bel / Of a bel bel bel
D'una la la la / Of a la la la
D'una bel, d'una la / Of a bel, of a la
D'una bella aurora / Of a beautiful dawn
Que el cel enamora. / May the sky fall in love.
El mes de maig ha florit / The month of May has blossomed
Sense ser encara / Without being yet
Un lliri blanc y polit / A white and polished lily
De fragancia rara / Of rare fragrance
Que per tot el mon se sent / That is felt all over the world
De llevant fins a ponent / From east to west
Tota sa sa sa / All is sa sa sa
Tota dul dul dul / All is dul dul dul
Tota sa, tota dul / All is sa, all is dul
Tota sa dulcura / Everything is sweetness
I olor, amb ventura. / All throughout the garden.
El Desembre Congelat - Camerata de Cançó Tradicional
El Desembre Congelat - Cor Madrigal
. . . and a beautiful contemporary, jazz-flavored verion
El Desembre Congelat - Meritxell i Judit Neddermann
Midden in de winternacht
Midden in de winternacht, / In the middle of the winter night,
ging de hemel / the sky opened
Die ons heil der wereld bracht, / Who brought us salvation to the world
antwoord op ons hopen / answer to our hopes
Elke vogel zingt zijn lied, / Every bird sings its song,
herders waarom zingt gij niet / shepherds, why don't you sing
Laat de citers slaan, / Let the harps strike,
blaast de fluiten aan / blow the whistles
Laat de bel, laat de trom, / Sound the bell, sound the drum,
laat de beltrom horen: / sound the bell drum:
Christus is geboren! / Christ is born!
Vrede was er overal, / Peace was everywhere
wilde dieren kwamen / wild animals came
Bij de schapen in de stal, / With the sheep in the stable
en zij speelden samen. / and they played together.
Elke vogel zingt zijn lied, / Every bird sings its song,
herders waarom zingt gij niet / shepherds, why don't you sing
Laat de citers slaan, / Let the harps strike,
blaast de fluiten aan / blow the whistles
Laat de bel, laat de trom, / Sound the bell, sound the drum,
laat de beltrom horen: / sound the bell drum:
Christus is geboren! / Christ is born!
Ondanks winter sneeuw en ijs, / Despite winter snow and ice,
bloeien alle bomen, / all trees bloom,
want het aardse paradijs / for the earthly paradise
is vannacht gekomen. / has come tonight.
Elke vogel zingt zijn lied, / Every bird sings its song,
herders waarom zingt gij niet / shepherds, why don't you sing
Laat de citers slaan, / Let the harps strike,
blaast de fluiten aan / blow the whistles
Laat de bel, laat de trom, / Sound the bell, sound the drum,
laat de beltrom horen: / sound the bell drum:
Christus is geboren! / Christ is born!
Zie daar staat de morgenster, / Behold the morning star,
stralend in het duister / shining in the dark
Want de dag is niet meer ver, / For the day is not far off,
bode van de luister / messenger of glory
Die ons weldra op zal gaan, / Who will soon come upon us,
herders blaast uw fluiten aan / shepherds blow your whistles
Laat de bel bim-bam, / Let the bell bim-bam,
laat de trom rom-bom / let the drum rom-bomb
Kere om, kere om, / Turn around, turn around,
laat de beltrom horen / play the bell drum
Christus is geboren! / Christ is born!
Midden in de winternacht - Brigidakerk te Geldrop Kerstconcert
Midden in de winternacht - Berlin Radio Choir
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