Thursday, December 14, 2023

Twelve Days (Before) Christmas

Day 10 - Nous étions trois bergerettes (We Were Three Young Shepherdesses)

I couldn't find much background information on this traditional Noël français (French carol). What I did find very interesting, and it's something I never knew, is that the state of Maine got its name from one of the traditional provinces in France! And this Noël contains words that come from Angevin, one of the traditional languages of France. In Anjou, one of the historic provinces in western France, Angevin is the traditional language. Angevin was also spoken in the neighboring regions of Pays Nantais (and Gallo), Maine ( and Mayennois) and Touraine ( and Tourangeau). As an oïl language (or dialect) it shares many common features with French vocabulary, phonemes and daily expressions. And Le Mans, the principal city of the historic province of Maine, was the stage for struggles in the eleventh century between the counts of Anjou and the dukes of Normandy. Maybe this will come up on Jeopardy?

Nous étions trois bergerettes / We were three young shepherdesses
Auprès d'un petit ruisseau / Near a little brook
En gardant nos brebiettes / We were tending our little ewes
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau* / Christmas, Christmas . . .
Qui paissaient dans le préau / That were grazing in the small meadow
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau.
[* Nau in Anjou dialect means Christmas; Naulet is diminutive]

En gardant nos brebiettes / We were tending our little ewes
Auprès d'un petit ruisseau / Near a little brook
Nous vîmes voler un ange / We saw an angel flying
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau / Christmas, Christmas . . .
Plus reluisant qu'un flambeau / Shining more than a torch
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau.

Nous vîmes voler un ange / We saw an angel flying
Plus reluisant qu'un flambeau / Shining more than a torch
Qui donnant à Dieu louange / Who, praising God
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau / Christmas, Christmas . . .
Chantait ce bel air nouveau / Singing this new, beautiful tune
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau.

Qui donnant à Dieu louange / Who, praising God
Chantait ce bel air nouveau / Singing this new, beautiful tune
Le Rédempteur vient de naître / The Redeemer was just born
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau / Christmas, Christmas . . .
Plus doux qu'un petit agneau / Sweeter than a little lamb
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau.

Robin a pris des sonnettes / Robin took his little bells
Et Colin son chalumeau / And Colin his pipe
Dîmes maintes chansonnettes / We recited many ditties
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau / Christmas, Christmas . . .
Des plus belles du monceau / From the prettiest of the lot
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau.

Dieu sait comme nous dansâmes / God knows how much we danced
À l'entour de son berceau / Around his crib
Puis nous nous en retournâmes / Then each of us went back
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau / Christmas, Christmas . . .
Chacune vers son troupeau / Each to their flock
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau.

Pour l’enfant qui vient de naître / For the child who has just been born
Plus doux qu’un petit agneau / Sweeter than a little lamb
Laisse là tes brebis paître / Let your sheep graze there
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau / Christmas, Christmas . . .
Va-t-en le voir, pastoureau / Go see Him, shepherd
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau.

Le Rédempteur vient de naître / The Redeemer has just been born
Plus doux qu'un petit agneau / Sweeter than a little lamb
Laissez-là vos brebis paître / Let your sheep graze there
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau / Christmas, Christmas . . .
Allez voir comme il est beau / Go see how beautiful He is
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau.

Il est né dans une étable / He was born in a stable
Où b'y a ni lit, ni berceau / Where there is neither bed nor cradle
Sa mère vierge admirable / His admirable Virgin Mother
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau / Christmas, Christmas . . .
L'emmaillotte d'un drapeau / Swaddle in a diaper
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau.

O quelle douce merveille / O what a sweet wonder
O agréable enfanteau / O pleasant Child
Jamais en jour de ma vie / Never in a day of my life
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau / Christmas, Christmas . . .
Je ne vis enfant si beau / I never saw such a beautiful Child
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau.

Robin a pris des sonnettes / Robin took some bells
Et Colas son chalumeau / And Colas his blowtorch
Dîmes maintes chansonnettes / Tithe many songs
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau / Christmas, Christmas . . .
Des plus belles du monceau / Of the most beautiful of the heap
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau.

Dieu sait comme nous dansâmes / God knows how we danced
A l'entour du berceau / Around the cradle
De là nous nous retournâmes / From there we turned around
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau / Christmas, Christmas . . .
Chacun vers son troupeau / Each towards his flock
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau.

There are many fine performances available online of this beautiful carol. Here are a few of my favorites:

Nous étions trois bergerettes - Alix Quoniam
. . . a solo version of the carol

Nous étions trois bergerettes - Helene Baillargeon
. . . a very folk-like version

Nous étions trois bergerettes - l'Ensemble Vocal du Pays de Liège

Nous étions trois bergerettes - The Zurich Chamber Singers

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