In six verses, Nuit Sombre, Ton Ombre (Dark Night, Your Shadow), a noël from the Lorraine region of France, traces the entire history and mystery of Christmas. The first verse manifests the grandeur of this sacred night when the Incarnate Word sees the light of day; the second underlines the destitution of his birth which already makes him suffer and cry, he the Almighty, for us, poor sinners; from the third to the fifth are recalled in turn the concerts of the angels glorifying God, the visit of the shepherds whose simplicity and poverty so pleased the Child-God and that of the Magi bringing him their gifts from so far away; finally the last verse invites us ourselves to come and contemplate him and offer him a living faith and an ardent love. (notes from here - Thank you!)
1. Nuit sombre, ton ombre
Dark night, your shadow
Vaut les plus beaux jours!
Is worth the most beautiful days!
Des Anges sans nombre
Angels without number
Honorent ton cours:
Honor your course:
O divin mystère,
O divine mystery,
Le Verbe est enfant!
The Word is a child!
Non, rien n'est si grand
No, nothing is so great
Par toute la terre,
Throughout the earth,
Non, rien n'est si grand
No, nothing is so great
Que Jésus naissant!
As Jesus born!
2. Il pleure dès l'heure
He weeps from the hour
Qu'il a vu le jour!
That he saw the light of day!
Mais dans la demeure
But in the dwelling
De son saint amour,
Of his holy love,
Toute âme révère
Every soul reveres
Son nom tout-puissant.
His almighty name.
3. Archanges, saints Anges,
Archangels, holy Angels,
Chœurs mélodieux,
Mellowish choirs,
Donnez vos louanges,
Give your praises,
Vos concerts joyeux,
Your joyful concerts,
Au Dieu, notre frère,
To God, our brother,
Qui du ciel descend!
Who descends from heaven!
4. Laissez vos houlettes,
Leave your shepherds' crooks,
Laissez vos troupeaux;
Leave your flocks;
Jésus à ces fêtes
Jesus at these feasts
Vous veut, pastoureaux;
Wants you, shepherds;
Votre âme a su plaire
Your soul has known how to please
Au divin Enfant.
The divine Child.
5. Quittez vos rivages,
Leave your shores,
Quittez l'orient;
Leave the east;
Venez, ô rois mages,
Come, oh Magi,
Jésus vous attend:
Jesus awaits you:
Au Dieu de lumière,
To the God of light,
Portez vos présents.
Bring your gifts.
6. Et nous à la crèche,
And we at the manger,
Joyeux, accourons!
Joyfully, let us run!
Au Dieu qui nous prêche
To the God who preaches to us
L'amour de ses dons,
The love of his gifts,
Offrons foi sincère,
Let us offer sincere faith,
Cœur reconnaissant.
Grateful hearts.
Nuit Sombre, Ton Ombre - Les Petits Chanteurs de Saint-Francois de Versailles
Nuit Sombre, Ton Ombre
Alexandre Guilmant: Offertoire sur le Noël 'Nuit sombre, ton ombre'
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