Ernest Myrand, in his Noëls anciens de la Nouvelle-France (1899), gives us some background on today's carol, Dans cette étable (In this stable):
"I finally found, in an old collection that I've leafed through so many times during my current studies, a Christmas carol that we still sing today, as our pious ancestors themselves once sang: Dans cette étable. Charles Gounod - the great author of the opera Faust - published in London in 1859, a Christmas carol in English - Bethlehem / Dans cette étable - with organ interludes of the most beautiful effect. The melody is exactly the same as the carol; only, it is written in six-eight time, while our Canadian version is sung in four-four time. It is only as an artistic curiosity that this modification of the meter deserves to be noted. Originally, that is to say in 1750, at the time when this music was published for the first time, Dans cette étable was sung in two beats (two-four time), a somewhat down-to-earth time, very common in popular song. Later, we find the same melody written in six-eight, a barcarolle time; this is the time adopted by Gounod. And finally, Mr. Ernest Gagnon, writing it under the dictation of the voice of the people of our French-Canadian countryside, fixed it in four beats, a more serious time and decidedly more in keeping with the elevated meaning of the words. This will probably be the definitive time of this melody and this rhythm will prevail."
Dans cette étable,
In this stable,
Que Jésus est charmant!
How delightful Jesus is!
Qu'il est aimable,
How He is pleasant,
Dans son abaissement!
In His abasement!
Que d'attraits à la foi!
How it calls to faith!
Tous les palais des rois
All the palaces of kings
N'ont rien de comparable
Have nothing comparable
Aux beautés que je vois
To the beauty I see
Dans cette étable.
In this stable.
Que sa puissance
How His power
Paraît bien en ce jour,
Is seen on this day,
Malgré l'enfance
Despite the infancy
Où le réduit l'amour!
To which love has reduced Him!
Le monde racheté,
The world redeemed
Et tout l'enfer dompté,
And all of hell subdued
Font voir qu'à sa naissance
Show that at His birth
Rien n'est si redouté
Nothing is so feared
Que sa puissance.
As His power.
Touchant mystère!
A touching mystery!
Jésus, souffrant pour nous,
Jesus, suffering for us
D'un Dieu sévère
-From a harsh God-
Apaise le courroux.
Appeases the wrath.
Du testament nouveau
In the New Testament
Il est le doux agneau;
He is the sweet lamb;
Il doit sauver la terre
He must save the world,
Portant notre fardeau:
Doit céder désormais,
Touchant mystère.
A touching mystery.
S'il est sensible,
If he is sensitive,
Ce n'est qu'à nos malheurs,
It is only for our misfortunes,
Le froid pénible
The painful cold
Ne cause point ses pleurs.
Doesn't cause his tears.
Mon cœur à tant d'attraits,
My heart- to such appeals,
À de si doux bienfaits,
To such sweet deeds,
À ce charme invincible
To this invincible charm
Doit céder désormais,
Must give in from now on,
S'il est sensible.
If it is sensitive.
Ah! Je vous aime,
Oh! I love you,
Vous vous cachez en vain,
You hide yourself in vain
Beauté suprême
Supreme beauty,
Jésus, Enfant divin!
Jesus, Holy Child!
Vous êtes à mes yeux
You are to my eyes
Le puissant Roi des cieux,
The powerful King of Heaven,
Le Fils de Dieu lui-même
The Son of God Himself
Descendu dans ces lieux:
Come down to this place...
Ah! Je vous aime.
Oh! I love you.
Dans cette étable - Helene Baillargeon . . . our most folk-like version
Dans cette étable - Les Prêtres
Dans cette étable - Paulyn Lacroix (guitar)
Dans cette étable - Johanne Blouin (in a very upbeat, baroque arrangement!)
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