Thursday, December 17, 2020

The Twelve Days (Before) Christmas

Day 8 - A Czech Christmas Carol

I'm running a little behind today! So here's a carol from Eastern Europe, The Czech Republic specifically - Sel Bych Rad K Betlemu (I go to Bethlehem). As always, a varied selection of performances. Happy Snow Day!

Sel bych rád k Betlému
Sel bych rád k Betlému,   I go to Bethlehem,
k Ježíšku malému.         To see the tiny King;
Mám doma křepeličku       My black rooster, trimmed and sleek,
A pěknou žežuličku:       My cuckoo with song so sweet:
Ty mu odvedu.             These well I give Him.

Bude žežulička,           Rooster will crow away,
Vyrážet Ježíška.          Making the Baby gay;
U hlavičky jeho sedávat,  Cuckoo perching near is sacred head,
Líbezně mu bude kůkávat,  Calling softly will make His heart glad:
Ty mu odvedu.             These well I give Him.

ku, kuku, ku, kuku.       Coo,coo-coo! Coo-coo-coo!
Zdráv budiz Ježíšku!      Jesus, He sings for you!

Sel bych rád k Betlému - Prague Philharmonic Children´s Choir

Sel bych rád k Betlému - The Pittsburgh Camerata

Sel bych rád k Betlému - Texas Early Music Project

Sel bych rád k Betlému - A Sweet Solo

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