Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Twelve Days (Before) Christmas

 Day 2 - Even though we missed the feast day of St. Nicholas (December 6th), I thought we'd use this second day before Christmas - when Santa should be very busy packing his sleigh - to hear a few less heard, but truly great, "contemporary" Christmas gems, most of which honor Good Old St. Nick . . .

Let's start with a personal favorite. Louis Armstrong and The Commanders recorded the Jack Fox song ‘Zat You Santa Claus? in 1953. It is possibly one of the first Christmas/Halloween hybrids, a forerunner in spirit, as it were, to films such as Nightmare Before Christmas. The singer of the song is concerned that the noise at the door might be Santa . . . or a prowler. Will Santa bring 'something pleasantly pleasant' for the singer . . . or maybe it’s only the wind? [thank you to Terence & Jane Minogue at The Daily Doo-Wop! for this note]

‘Zat You Santa Claus? - Louis Armstrong and The Commanders . . . and a Big Thanks for the great video: Sam Hall (producer), Hilary Buchanan (creative director), Alexis Schuknecht (art director), Ash Thomas (designer), and Ben Heuser (animator)!

Jazz giant Bill Evans takes a swing at Santa Claus is Coming to Town with typically beautiful results.

Jared Hollier has a different take on the same song . . . 

Santa Claus Is Tapping Your Phone

Here's a song that most people know in the classic version by Bing Crosby and the Andrew Sisters (always worth numerous listens during the Christmas season), but Cynthia Lin and Ben Ahn make it even more fun!

Mele Kalikimaka - Cynthia Lin & Ben Ahn

And lastly, for a Smooth, Cool Yule . . . and a thoroughly enjoyable take on My Favorite Things. Sit back and relax!

My Favorite ThingsPeter Cincotti

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Twelve Day of Christmas

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