Friday, December 24, 2021

Twelve Days (Before) Christmas

Day 1 - Chtíc, aby spal (Adam Michna z Otradovic) [Czech Republic]

Most Czech carols are folk carols and as such, their authors remain unknown. However, this is not the case with the baroque carol Chtíc, aby spal (Wanting Him to Sleep) composed by Adam Václav Michna z Otradovic. While Michna is not as world-famous as other Czech composers such as Antonín Dvořák, Leoš Janáček, or Bedřich Smetana, he greatly contributed to Czech music. For example, he composed Česká mariánská muzika (Czech Marian Music - namely, Czech music for Mary) in 1647, where Chtíc, aby spal appeared for the first time. It is without a doubt his most famous piece and so, during Advent, you can hear it almost everywhere. It is often played by buskers in Czech streets and it has been used in various Christmas movies as well!

The carol is also sometimes called Vánoční or Vánoční noc (Christmas Night) and, just like the name, the lyrics of the carol sometimes differ as well. Only the first half of the first verse remains the same everywhere. It tells of the Virgin Mary singing to baby Jesus, soothing Him to sleep. Interestingly enough, it is one of a few Czech baroque pieces that was translated into German as Als Jungfrau zart ihr Kinderlein. Usually, it was the other way around as the Czech lands (Bohemia and Moravia) were a part of Austria for about four centuries. (many thanks to Anna Minjaríková at

Chtíc, aby spal, tak zpívala, synáčkovi;
     [Wanting him to sleep, she sang to her son]
matka jež ponocovala, miláčkovi;
     [the mother who spent the night, darling]
nynej rozkošné děťátko, synu boží.
     [now adorable baby, Son of God]
Nynej, nynej, nemluvňátko, světa zboží.
     [Now, now, baby, world goods]

Dřímej,to matky žádost je,holubičko
     [Nap, it's mother's request, dove]
v tobě se duše raduje, ó, perličko!
     [the soul rejoices in you, oh bead!]
Nebesa chválu pějí tvou, slávu a čest,
     [The heavens sing your praise, the glory and the honor]
velebí tebe každý tvor, tisíce hvězd.
     [every creature glorifies you, thousands of stars]

Ó fialo, ó lilium, ó růže má,
     [O violet, O lily, O my rose]
nynej, vonné konvalium, zahrádko má.
     [now, fragrant lily of the valley, the garden has]
Ó loutno má, ó labuť má, můj slavíčku!
     [O my lute, O my swan, my nightingale!]
Nynej, líbezná harfo má, cymbáličku.
     [Now, the lovely harp has a cymbal]

Chtíc, aby spal

Chtíc, aby spal - Piccolo Chorus and Piccola Orchestra

Chtíc, aby spal - Radek Blahuš (violin)

Chtíc, aby spal - Kakofon

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