Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Twelve Days of Christmas

Day 5 - U to vrijeme godišta (At That Time of Year) [Croatia]

U to vrijeme godišta (At That Time of Year) is one of the oldest Croatian Christmas songs. In its original form it contains some 30 verses, covering all the actors and event of the Christmas story (baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, shepherds, angels, etc). It originated in the region of Istria, spreading to Dalmatia, and later reaching the rest of Croatia. The author of the text is unknown; the tune derives from the Latin song In hoc anni circulo, from the repertoire of Saint-Martial (France), in the 11th century.

U to vrijeme godišta
     [At that time of year]
Mir se svijetu naviješta
     [Peace is proclaimed to the world]
Porođenjem Djetešca
     [By the birth of a Child]
Kom’ je majka djevica.
     [The mother is a virgin.]

Anđeli se javili
     [The angels answered]
Rajsku pjesmu slagali
     [The paradise song was lied to]
Slava Bogu pjevali
     [Praise be to God]
A mir ljud’ma prosili.
     [And they asked the peace of the people.]

Djeva Sina rodila
     [The Virgin’s Son gave birth]
Đavlu silu slomila
     [She broke the devil’s power]
Svijetu Spasa podala
     [To the world of salvation]
Nama majka postala.
     [Our mother became.]

A mi Kristu hvalimo
     [And we praise Christ]
S anđelima pjevamo
     [With the angels we sing]
Radi žrtve njegove
     [For his sacrifice]
Što je za nas započe.
     [Which is a start for us.]

 U to vrijeme godišta - Akademski zbor Pro Musica

U to vrijeme godišta

 U to vrijeme godišta


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