Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Twelve Days of Christmas

Day 6 - Een Kind geboren in Bethlehem [Belgium]

Een Kind geboren in Bethlehem (A Child Born in Bethlehem; in Latin: Puer natus in Bethlehem) dates back to long before the Reformation in the 16th century and is known and loved in several versions to this day. Over the centuries, much of this carol has been revised, added or taken away from it. And no song has so many variants, arrangements and German translations as this carol. In ancient manuscripts, the number of Latin stanzas varies between six and twelve, probably not all by the same author [the verses sung in each performance is noted below]. It has also been associated with several melodies over the centuries. The composers of these melodies are unknown.

The Christmas carol Puer natus in Bethlehem was originally a classic shepherd's song, generally  narrative, simple and idyllic in character. The oldest known Dutch version is from the end of the 15th century.

(1) Een Kind geboren in Bethlehem
     [A Child is born in Bethlehem]
Verblidet alle Jeruzale
     [for whom all Jerusalem rejoices]
   Amor, amor, amor, amor
     [Love, love, love, love]
   Amor, quam dulcis est amor
     [Love, how sweet is love]

(2) Die zoon die nam die mensheid aan
     [That Son who took on humanity]
die bi den vader komen kan
     [who will come to the Father]
   Amor, amor . . .

(3) Toen Gabriël die engel kwam
     [When Gabriel that angel came]
die jonckvrouw toen den zoon gewan
     [to tell that young lady about her Son]
   Amor, amor . . .

(4) Een bruidegom uit zijne kameren
     [A groom from his chambers]
gekomen zonder jammeren
     [came without wailing]
   Amor, amor . . .

(5) Zi leiden in een kribbekijn
     [They stayed in a manger]
des eeuwigen vaders zonekijn
     [in the eternal Father's care]
   Amor, amor . . .

(6) Die os en ezel hebben’t geweten
     [The ox and ass knew]
dat dat Kind is Jezus geheten
     [that that Child was Jesus]
   Amor, amor . . .

(7) Drie koningen kwamen uit Oostenlande
     [Three kings came from the West]
en brachten met hen hun offerande
     [and brought with them their offerings]
   Amor, amor . . .

(8) Zi gingen daar te samen in
     [They went in there together]
en groeten dat nieuw kindekijn
     [to greet that new Baby]
   Amor, amor . . .

(9) Die engelen zongen toendertijd
     [Those angels sang back then]
die herderkens waren mee verblijd
     [and the shepherds rejoiced with it]
   Amor, amor . . .

(10) Die engelen in der eerde mede
     [The angels in heaven]
en die gelovigen kregen de vrede
     [and those on earth were given peace]
   Amor, amor . . .

(11) Al met die engelen willen wi zingen
     [We sing with those angels]
en laten onze herten in vroeden springen
     [and it make our hearts spring]
   Amor, amor . . .

Een Kind geboren in Bethlehem - Martin Čepelík & Andrea Mineva [verses 1, 7, 9, 11]

Een Kind geboren in Bethlehem - Exsultate [verses 1, 2, 5]

Een Kind geboren in Bethlehem - Hulster Gemengd Koor [verses 1, 7, 9, 11]

Een Kind geboren in Bethlehem - arr. by Wilko Brouwers / StrijpsKamerkoor [verses 1, 6, 5]



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