Thursday, December 30, 2021

Twelve Days of Christmas

Day 7 - Jul, stralande jul (Christmas, Radiant Christmas) [Sweden]

Jul, stralande jul is a Christmas song with lyrics by Edvard Evers and music by Gustaf Nordqvist which was first published in 1921. The song was one of the most common Christmas carols in Sweden during the 20th century. The lyrics describe Christmas as white, then snow-filled, and then depicts the rest of the Christmas blessings, with a wish that Christmas brings light and peace.

Jul, jul, strålande jul, glans över vita skogar,
     [Christmas, Christmas, glorious Christmas,
      splendor over white forests]
himmelens kronor med gnistrande ljus,
     [the crowns of the sky with sparkling light]
glimmande bågar i alla Guds hus,
     [gleaming arches in all the houses of God]
psalm som är sjungen från tid till tid,
     [a hymn sung from time to time]
eviga längtan till ljus och frid!
     [eternal longing for light and peace!]
Jul, jul, strålande jul; glans över vita skogar.
     [Christmas, Christmas, glorious Christmas;
      shine over white forests.]

Kom, kom, signade jul! Sänd dina vita vingar
     [Come, come, sign Christmas!
      Send your white wings]
över stridernas blod och larm,
     [over the blood and alarm of the battles]
över all suckan ur människobarm,
     [over all the sigh from the bosom of man]
över de släkten som gå till ro,
     [over the families that go to rest]
över de ungas dagande bo!
     [over the young people's day-to-day living!]
Kom, kom, signade jul! Sänk dina vita vingar.
     [Come, come, sign Christmas!
      Lower your white wings.]

  Jul, jul, strålande jul - Ringmasters

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