Monday, January 3, 2022

Twelve Days of Christmas

Day 9 - Dormi, dormi, bel Bambin [Italy]

Dormi, dormi, bel Bambin is an Italian Christmas carol from the Ticino region. It is particularly popular in Corsica. The carol can be thought of as a cradle song of the Virgin Mary.

Dormi, dormi, bel bambin,
     [Sleep, o sleep, my lovely Child]
Re divin, Re divin.
     [King divine, King divine]
Fa la nanna, bel Banbino,
     [Go to sleep, pretty Child]
Re divin, Re divin.
     [King divine, King divine]
Dormi, dormi, bel bambin,
     [Sleep, o sleep, my lovely Child]
Dormi, dormi, Re divin,
     [Sleep, o sleep, King divine]

Fa la la la, Fa la la la la, Fa la la la,
Fa la , Fa la, Fa la, Fa la.

Perché piangi, o mio tesor?
     [Why do you cry, o my treasure?]
Dolce amor, dolce amor
     [Sweet love, sweet love]
Fa la nanna, caro figlio
     [Go to sleep, dear Son]
Tanto bel, tanto bel.
     [So beautiful, so beautiful]
Dormi, dormi o bel Bambin.
     [Sleep, sleep o beautiful Child.]


Fa la ninna, fa la nanna
     [Go to sleep, go to sleep]
Fa la ninna nanna a Gesù.
     [Sing the lullaby to Jesus]
Gli angioletti su nel Cielo
     [The angels of Heaven]
Veglieran su te Gesù.
     [Watch over you Jesus.]

Dormi, dormi, bel Bambin - Counterpoint Vocal Ensemble

Dormi, dormi, bel Bambin - Cantemus


Dormi, dormi, bel Bambin - Balthasar-Neumann-Chor


Dormi, dormi, bel Bambin - Die Gruppe Pamontes

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