Sunday, December 31, 2023
Twelve Days (After) Christmas
Twelve Days (After) Christmas
Twelve Days (After) Christmas
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Twelve Days (After) Christmas
The Shepherd's Pipe Carol was composed by John Rutter in 1966 when he was studying as an undergraduate at Clare College at the University of Cambridge. Rutter stated that he believed his inspiration for writing it came from when he sang as a boy soprano during the opera Amahl and the Night Visitors and heard pipe music as the title character headed for Bethlehem with the Biblical Magi. (note thanks to Wikipedia)
Going through the hills on a night all starry
On the way to Bethlehem
Far away I heard a shepherd boy piping
On the way to Bethlehem
Angels in the sky brought this message nigh:
"Dance and sing for joy that Christ the newborn King
Is come to bring us peace on earth
And He's lying cradled there at Bethlehem."
"Tell me, shepherd boy piping tunes so merrily
On the way to Bethlehem
Who will hear your tunes on these hills so lonely
On the way to Bethlehem
Angels in the sky brought this message nigh:
"Dance and sing for the joy that Christ the newborn King
Is come to bring peace on earth
And He's lying cradled there at Bethlehem."
"None may hear my pipes on these hills so lonely
On the way to Bethlehem;
But a King will hear me play sweet lullabies
When I get to Bethlehem."
Angels in the sky came down from on high
Hovered over the manger where the babe was lying
Cradled in the arms of his mother Mary
Sleeping now at Bethlehem
Is He there at Bethlehem?"
"I will find Him soon by the star shining brightly
In the sky o'vr Bethlehem."
Angels in the sky brought this message nigh:
"Dance and sing for joy that Christ the king of Kings
Is come to bring us peace on earth
And He's lying cradled there at Bethlehem."
"May I come with you, shepherd boy piping merrily
Come with you to Bethlehem
Pay my homage too at the new King's cradle
Is it far to Bethlehem?"
Angels in the sky brought this message nigh:
"Dance and sing for joy that Christ the newborn King
Is born in the stable yonder, born for you and me."
The Shepherd's Pipe Carol - Kings College Choir, Cambridge
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Twelve Days (After) Christmas
Monday, December 25, 2023
Twelve Days (After) Christmas
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Twelve Days (Before) Christmas
Saturday, December 23, 2023
Twelve Days (Before) Christmas
Friday, December 22, 2023
Twelve Days (Before) Christmas
Thursday, December 21, 2023
Twelve Days (Before) Christmas
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Twelve Days (Before) Christmas
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Twelve Days (Before) Christmas
Twelve Days (Before) Christmas
Twelve Day (Before) Christmas
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Twelve Days (Before) Christmas
Friday, December 15, 2023
Twelve Day (Before) Christmas
We're bringing back a favorite Ukrainian Christmas carol (koliadky) that we featured just last year - Good evening to you, Mr. Master. But now we have a number of versions to enjoy. Carolers travel from house to house and sing for those who come to the door, hoping to get a Christmas treat to help them on their way to the next stop. щасливого Різдва! (shchaslyvoho Rizdva/Merry Christmas)
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Twelve Days (Before) Christmas
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Twelve Days (Before) Christmas
A new joy has been revealed,
That never has been before,
Above the manger there's a bright star
Shining throughout the whole world.
Where Christ has been born,
From the Virgin incarnate,
Like one swaddled in diapers
A pauper born.
The shepherds with their lambs
Before that holy child
Fall down upon their knees,
The King and God they praise Him.
Oh you King, oh King,
Heavenly soverign Power,
Grant years of good fortune
To this home and farmland.
To this home and farmland
And to her mistress,
Grant years of good fortune
To our glorious Ukraine.
We ask of Thee, Oh King,
We ask Thee at this moment,
Do grant freedom, fortune, and a good fate
To our mother Ukraine!
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Twelve Days (Before) Christmas
With our first snow of the year now fading (or faded!), we edge ever closer to the Christmas season of 2023! This Twelve Days series will feature noëls from the French and Ukrainian traditions, interspersed with glorious contemporary choral works and a few popular favorites (and not so favorites) in performances that shine with the glow of the holiday. Enjoy!
Day 12 - Veni, Veni Emmanuel (O Come, O Come Emmanuel) is a centuries-old carol with a rich history. Its text dates back to at least the 8th century, and its alluring melody stands out as one of the oldest French Christmas melodies. Written by a priest with a deep understanding of the bible, the Latin verses portray the full story of the birth of the Messiah, originally intended to be sung over the course of seven days, one verse per day. A published latin version did not appear until 1710, and the English version that many know today (by John Mason Neale) was not published until 1861 in the hymnal, Hymns Ancient and Modern.
Captivum solve Israel / And ransom captive Israel
Qui gemit in exilio / That mourns in lonely exile here
Privatus Dei Filio / Until the Son of God appear
Gaude, gaude, Emmanuel / Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
nascetur pro te, Israel / Shall come to thee, O Israel
O Come, O Come Emmanuel - The Gesualdo Six
Twelve Day of Christmas
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