Thursday, January 6, 2022

Twelve Days of Christmas

Day 12 - Zu Bethlehem geboren (In Bethlehem Was Born) [German]

Zu Bethlehem geboren is a German Christmas carol. The text is attributed to Friedrich Spee, and was first printed in the collection Geistlichen Psälterlein (Little Sacred Psalter) in 1637. The melody was taken from a French chanson, Une petite feste, which was popular at the time and which had a frivolous and racy text. Spee often wrote sacred texts for secular melodies, intending to fight their "pestilent poison." To this day it appears in Catholic and Protestant hymnals.

For a more detailed history of Zu Bethlehem geboren, see  here

Zu Bethlehem geboren
     [Born in Bethlehem]
ist uns ein Kindelein.
     [is a child to us.]
Das hab ich auserkoren,
     [I chose that]
sein eigen will ich sein.
     [I want to be his own.]
Eia, eia, sein eigen will ich sein.
     [Eia, eia, I want to be his own.]

In seine Lieb versenken
     [Sink into his love]
will ich mich ganz hinab;
     [I want to go all the way down;]
mein Herz will ich ihm schenken
     [I want to give my heart to him]
und alles, was ich hab.
     [and all that I have]
Eia, eia, und alles, was ich hab.
     [Eia, eia, and all that I have.]

O Kindelein, von Herzen
     [O children, with all my heart]
dich will ich lieben sehr
     [I want to love you very much]
in Freuden und in Schmerzen,
     [in joys and sorrows,]
je länger mehr und mehr.
     [the longer more and more.]
Eia, eia, je länger mehr und mehr.
     [Eia, eia, the longer more and more.]

Dich wahren Gott ich finde
     [I find you true God]
in meinem Fleisch und Blut;
     [in my flesh and blood;]
darum ich fest mich binde
     [therefore I bind myself tightly]
an dich, mein höchstes Gut.
     [to you, my greatest good.]
Eia, eia, an dich, mein höchstes Gut.
     [Eia, eia, to you, my greatest good.]


Zu Bethlehem geboren - Stuttgarter Hymnus-Chorknaben

Zu Bethlehem geboren - Pfarrei St. Cyriakus Bottrop


Twelve Days of Christmas

Day 11 - Wśród nocnej ciszy (In Midnight's Silence) [Poland]

The text of Wśród nocnej ciszy (In Midnight's Silence) was written at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. The carol has been reworked many times, and patriotic songs have been sung to its melody. It consists of four stanzas. It is one of the most popular Christmas carols used to start the Midnight Mass in many Polish churches. For many Poles, singing it on Christmas Eve is a long held tradition.

Wśród nocnej ciszy głos się rozchodzi:
     [In midnight's silence, Heav'nly voices cried:
Wstańcie, pasterze, Bóg się wam rodzi
     [Rise up, O shepherds, Christ is born tonight!
Czem prędzej się wybierajcie,
     [Don't choose to wait]
Do Betlejem pośpieszajcie,
     [Hurry to Bethlehem]
przywitać Pana.
     [Greet the Lord.]

Poszli, znależli Dzieciątko w żłobie,
     [They went and found the Child in a manger]
Z wszystkimi znaki, danymi sobie.
     [With all the signs that were given]
Jako Bogu cześć Mu dali,
     [As God they worshiped Him]
A witając zawołali,
     [And in greeting they cried out]
z wielkiej radości.
     [With great joy!]

Ach, Witaj Zbawco z dawna żądany!
     [Ah, hello, long-desired Savior!]
Tyle tysiący lat wyglądany;
     [Awaited for so many thousands of years]
|: Na Ciebie króle, prorocy
     [On you kings, prophets]
Czekali, a Tyś tej nocy,
     [They have waited and all those waiting tonight]
nam się objawił.
     [He has revealed himself to us.]

I my czekamy na Ciebie, Pana,
     [We are waiting for you, Lord]
A skoro przyjdziesz na głos kapłana.
     [And since you come to us through the priest]
Padniemy na twarz przed Tobą,
     [We'll fall before you]
Wierząc, żeś jest pod osłoną,
     [Believing you uncover yourself]
Chleba i winia.
     [In the bread and wine.]


Wśród nocnej ciszy - Warsaw Philharmonic Choir & Orchestra

Wśród nocnej ciszy -Mazowsze


Monday, January 3, 2022

Twelve Days of Christmas

Day 10 - D'où viens-tu, bergère? [France]

D'où viens-tu, bergère? (Where are you coming from, shepherdess?) is a traditional French carol. In its English translation Mary Magdalene comes from visiting the manger of Jesus and tells the shepherds and angels of his birth. The lyrics were published in Vieilles Chansons patoises du Périgord (1888) as collected by Emmanuel Casse and Eugène Chaminade.

D'où viens-tu, bergère?
     [What did you see Oh Maiden]
D'où viens-tu?
     [What did you see?]
Je viens de l'étable
     [I went to the stable]
De m'y promener!
     [walking there myself]
J'ai vu un miracle,
     [I saw a miracle]
Ce soir arriver!
     [Arrive that night!]

Rien de plus, bergère ?
     [Was he fair, Oh Maiden]
Rien de plus?
     [Was he fair?]
Y'a le boeuf et l'âne,
     [And there's the ox and ass]
Qui sont par devant,
     [Who stand close by]
Avec leur haleine
     [With their breath]
Réchauffant l'enfant.
     [Warming the Child.]

D'où viens-tu, bergère? - Chanticleer (arr. by Sirett)

D'où viens-tu, bergère? - Elizabeth Polese (soprano) & Antoine Malette-Chénier (harp)


Twelve Days of Christmas

Day 9 - Dormi, dormi, bel Bambin [Italy]

Dormi, dormi, bel Bambin is an Italian Christmas carol from the Ticino region. It is particularly popular in Corsica. The carol can be thought of as a cradle song of the Virgin Mary.

Dormi, dormi, bel bambin,
     [Sleep, o sleep, my lovely Child]
Re divin, Re divin.
     [King divine, King divine]
Fa la nanna, bel Banbino,
     [Go to sleep, pretty Child]
Re divin, Re divin.
     [King divine, King divine]
Dormi, dormi, bel bambin,
     [Sleep, o sleep, my lovely Child]
Dormi, dormi, Re divin,
     [Sleep, o sleep, King divine]

Fa la la la, Fa la la la la, Fa la la la,
Fa la , Fa la, Fa la, Fa la.

Perché piangi, o mio tesor?
     [Why do you cry, o my treasure?]
Dolce amor, dolce amor
     [Sweet love, sweet love]
Fa la nanna, caro figlio
     [Go to sleep, dear Son]
Tanto bel, tanto bel.
     [So beautiful, so beautiful]
Dormi, dormi o bel Bambin.
     [Sleep, sleep o beautiful Child.]


Fa la ninna, fa la nanna
     [Go to sleep, go to sleep]
Fa la ninna nanna a Gesù.
     [Sing the lullaby to Jesus]
Gli angioletti su nel Cielo
     [The angels of Heaven]
Veglieran su te Gesù.
     [Watch over you Jesus.]

Dormi, dormi, bel Bambin - Counterpoint Vocal Ensemble

Dormi, dormi, bel Bambin - Cantemus


Dormi, dormi, bel Bambin - Balthasar-Neumann-Chor


Dormi, dormi, bel Bambin - Die Gruppe Pamontes

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Twelve Days of Christmas

Day 8 - Ríu Ríu Chíu [Spain]

Ríu Ríu Chíu, also known as Ríu Chíu, is a Spanish villancico that has attained contemporary fame as a Christmas carol. The song is usually attributed to Mateo Flecha the Elder (1481–1553). It's believed that the words ríu, ríu, chíu are an imitation of a bird call. The carol's basic theme is the nativity of Christ and the Immaculate Conception.

Riu riu chiu, la guarda ribera;
     [Riu, riu, chiu, the river bank protects it]
Dios guardo el lobo de nuestra cordera.
     [As God kept the wolf from our lamb]

(1) El lobo rabioso la quiso morder,
     [The rabid wolf tried to bite her]
Mas Dios poderoso la supo defender;
     [But God Almighty knew how to defend her]
Quisola hazer que no pudiese pecar,
     [He wished to create her impervious to sin]
Ni aun original esta Virgen no tuviera.
     [Nor was this maid to embody original sin.]

(2) Este qu'es nacido es el gran monarca,
     [He who's now begotten is our mighty Monarch]
Christo patriarca, de carne vestido;
     [Christ, our Holy Father, in human flesh embodied]
hanos redimido con se hacer chiquito,
     [He made himself small and so redeemed us]
a un qu'era infinito, finito se hiziera.
     [He who was infinite became finite.]

(3) Muchas profecias lo han profetizado,
     [Many prophecies told of his coming]
Ya un nuestros dias lo hemos al consado
     [And now in our days have we seen them fulfilled]
Adios humanado vemos en el suelo,
     [God became man, on earth we behold him]
Yal hombre nelcielo porquel le quistera.
     [And see man in heaven because he so willed.]

(4) Yo vi mil garzones que andaban cantando,
     [A thousand singing angels I saw passing]
por aquí volando, haciendo mil sones,
     [Flying overhead, sounding a thousand voices]
diciendo a gascones: "Gloria sea en el cielo
     [Exulting, "Glory be in the heavens]
y paz en el suelo", pues de sus nasciera.
     [And peace on Earth, for Jesus has been born."]

(5) Este viene a dar a los muertos vida
     [He comes to give life to the dead]
y viene a reparar de todos la caída;
     [He comes to redeem the fall of man]
es la luz del día aqueste mozuelo;
     [This child is the light of day]
este es el cordero que San Juan dixera.
     [He is the very lamb Saint John prophesied.]

(6) Mira bien queos quadre que ansina lo oyera,
     [Behold . . .]
Que Dios no pudiera hacer la mas que madre,
     [God could call none greater mother]
El quera su padre hoy della nascio
     [than she who gives birth to her father]
Y el que la drio su hijo so dixera.
     [and now calls Him Son.]

(7) Pues que ya tenemos lo que deseamos,
     [Now we have gotten what we were all desiring]
todos juntos vamos, presentes llevemos;
     [Go we together to bear him gifts]
todos le daremos muestra voluntad,
     [Let each give his will to the God who was willing]
pues a se igualar con el hombre viniera.
     [To come down to Earth man's equal to be.]


Ríu Ríu Chíu - The Boston Camerata


Ríu Ríu Chíu - Anúna (arr. M. McGlynn)

Ríu Ríu Chíu - Lithuanian Boys Choir Dagilelis


Twelve Day of Christmas

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